Coming out of COVID - Hospital Innovations


Coming out of COVID

Now that we are beginning to see some increased activity in surgical procedures, we wanted to let you know how Hospital Innovations will be supporting and assisting you in moving forward.

During the lockdown period Hospital Innovations has maintained a small number of employees on full time working hours to support our burns service and PPE products. We have continued to deliver services via our Supply Chain team from the office.

The majority of our staff were placed on furlough as they were unable to carry out their roles; and theatre support was not required. It may well be sometime before everyone returns to work fully and we want to outline how we can best support you in the coming weeks and months.

We will rotate members of staff in and out of furlough to best support the needs of our customers on a week-by-week basis; ensuring that we always have department representation to be able to respond and meet any requests, as we always have done.

In the interest of safety, we will not visit any hospital, or plan physical theatre support unless requested to do so; and only then with the correct required PPE in place. Remote case support and theatre staff training can and will be delivered as required.

Can we please ask you to call our central office as an initial point of contact in order for us to manage requests. Most, if not all product requests can be handled by our office and where other resources are required the team can facilitate this. Our office team can be contacted on telephone number 01443 719 555, option 1 or via our out of hours mobile 07852 429 618.

We have always been proud of our customer service and assure you that much thought and organisation has gone into preparing us to support you moving forward.

We wish you all well and thank you for the work you continue to do.

Assuring you of our best at all times.
